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Wednesday, December 30, 2015
WIP Wednesday 30 December 2015
Well, it's the last Wednesday of 2015 and I have a little bit to show. On the 16th of December I had fabric, thread and pattern for my last ornament for the year.
And 2 weeks later, I'm here.
As you can see, not a lot of stitching time, but he at least has a head - and a broom head as well!
I'm planning on stitching for a bit tonight and tomorrow when I get back from my doctor's appointment and shopping, so he might be a little more complete before the year is through.
Sunday, December 20, 2015
It's Almost Christmas!
For quite a few years I only did minimal decorating at Christmas because my space was very cramped. Well here in my new place I have a proper living room and thought I might do a bit more this Christmas. At least make it look like the person who lives here enjoys the season! (Haven't found all my Christmas stuff yet, but I didn't do too badly.)
First the tree being guarded by my Julbukk. I only set up small trees - the cats aren't tempted to climb them. The Julbukk was made by my craft partner Cynthia who is slowly introducing me to parts of her Norwegian heritage.
And a close up of my Christmas spider on the tree skirt. Usually he sits IN the tree, but you can't see him in the silver.
I'm not sure if you all know the legend, so here it is.
"A long time ago in Germany a mother was busy cleaning up for Christmas. The spiders fled upstairs to the attic to escape the broom. When the house became quiet the spiders slowly crept downstairs for a peek. Oh, what a beautiful tree! In their excitement they scurried up the trunk and out along each branch. They were filled with happiness as they climbed amongst the glittering beauty. But alas! By the time they were through climbing, the tree was completely shrouded in their dusty grey spider web. When Santa Claus came with the gifts for the children and saw the tree covered with spider webs, he smiled as he saw how happy the spiders were, but he knew how heartbroken the mother would be if she saw the tree covered with the dusty webs. So he turned the webs to silver and gold. The tree sparkled and shimmered and was even more beautiful than before. That's why we have tinsel on our trees and why every tree should have a Christmas spider in its branches."
My handicraft trees.
And Father Christmas with the mailbox and cards.
I just love this doll - the only thing that is not handmade on him is the little bugle hanging out of his pack.
My mini Nativity, again made by Cynthia.
The odd thing was, the year she gave me this, I gave her an embroidered Nativity.
Sorry, not the best quality shot, but it's a picture of a picture. I made this a number of years before I started taking pictures of my finished projects, so Cynthia took a picture for me, invaded by one of her Abyssinian cats.
And my main Nativity.
Throw in a few stockings hung off bookcases and it definitely feels like Christmas!
Friday, December 11, 2015
TUSAL and Some Finishes
Almost missed TUSAL day!
Here are my ORTs for this month.
And my ORTs to date.
And I have two proper finishes.
She may get a face - I'm still debating with myself.
And there was a visitor when I got back from my walk this afternoon.
Wednesday, December 2, 2015
WIP Wednesday 2 December 2015
Well, slowly slowly I'm sneaking up on a finish. Last week I was here
and this week I'm here.
Stitching is done, fabric is cut and lace attached. Now to get it all put together.
Wednesday, November 25, 2015
WIP Wednesday 25 November 2015
Eek, it's Wednesday again! How does this keep happening so fast??
Got in a bit more stitching time this week. So, I've gone from here
to here.
Have got some gold metallic stitches to add, then start to make it up. All progress is good, right?
Wednesday, November 18, 2015
And I almost forgot - a couple of bloggers are doing giveaways. Nancy at Victorian Motto Sampler Shoppe is starting a birthday club and every month will draw a name and that person will receive a gift. Check out her other posts as well - she always has fun opportunities happening.
Pickle Barrel Designs is offering a chance to win one of her new designs.
Check them out and support our fellow bloggers!
WIP Wednesday 18 November 2015
Well, I did get in some stitching time, sort of. This was last week's progress
and this is where I am now.
So where did the stitching time go? Into frogging everything that was already done. I had miscounted for placement and I mixed up 2 colour symbols. I really do hate frogs! However, back on track and hopefully steadily forward.
Wednesday, November 11, 2015
Busy Wednesday
First and foremost, it's Remembrance Day, a day to stop and remember the men and women who have served and the families that supported them. In my family, my mother served in WW2, her father served in WW1. My dad tried to enlist for WW2, was rejected - heart murmur I believe - so he went to Vancouver and built ships as his contribution to the war effort. But all 5 of his brothers served in one branch of the service or another. We were very lucky - everyone came home and got to go on with their lives. Canada would not be what it is today without them.
And it's WIP Wednesday!
Last week I was here - for the Christmas Ornie SAL I belong to
and got to here last night.
Not fully finished because everything I need to do that is in one of those boxes marked "Crafts" that isn't unpacked yet.
Also got a start on the next one which is really October's theme as I'm a month behind because of my move.
And it's TUSAL day as well.
This is what I've collected since my last post in August
(not much stitching time as you can tell) and here are my ORTs to date.
Have a very special day everyone!
Friday, November 6, 2015
I'd like to introduce you to my doofus plants who are obviously totally unaware that it is the end of the first week of November. Not only are they still blooming, but if you look closely you will see that many of them have new buds - including the rose bush! And yes, they really are outside 24 hours a day.
You can tell it's an El Nino year for sure.
Wednesday, November 4, 2015
WIP Wednesday 4 November 2015
Again, not much stitching, but the little time I snuck in was productive.
I was here last week
and got to here last night.
Just need to backstitch the words and give teddy some eyes and it will be ready for final finishing.
The fabric colour in the bottom picture is much closer to the real thing.
Wednesday, October 28, 2015
WIP Wednesday 28 October 2015
I want my stitching time back!
When I posted 2 weeks ago I was here
And this is as far as I got as of last night.
Wednesday, October 14, 2015
WIP Wednesday 14 October 2015
I actually got in a little stitching time this week. My ornie has gone from here
to here.
It felt SO good to have needle in hand again.
Sunday, October 4, 2015
I'm Moved!
Moved, yes. Settled, that's still a future declaration. But, the rooms needed to function are set up and clear of boxes and there is a world of work wrapped up in that phrase.
I got the bedroom done first - I usually do that so when I've had enough I can just collapse.
And as you can see, the furries are here and that makes the place feel much more like home. They were at the shelter for 9 days and I missed them horribly.
Then I got the bathroom set up and that was pretty much it the first day I was here.
The next day I started on the kitchen and that pretty much used up two days, but everything is in cupboards and pantry. There will probably be some finessing, but so far so good.
Then I did the dining area.
I know there will be some changes here, but right now it's functioning so it'll be left.
And then on to the living room.
And the bags and bags of stuff that have gone to recycling, the dump and the Salvation Army I don't even want to think about. As you can see, there is nothing on the walls yet, so it feels rather temporary still. As I decide where to put all my pictures/stitching it'll feel much more like mine.
And that leaves the office and craft room and I don't even want to think about them. They are both packed to the hilt with totes, full boxes, empty boxes and stuff I couldn't make up my mind where to put it. I suspect the office will be first - I need to do my job after all, Then the craft room. But, I have found my bag with my current project - the Christmas Ornie SAL - and my UFO, so I'm hoping the needle will start to fly again tomorrow.
I've lost my gorgeous ocean view, and look at a cliffside now, but I've already had a couple of visitors.
I'm glad to be back in blogland.
Wednesday, September 16, 2015
WIP Wednesday 16 September 2015
Well, my time has mostly spent doing this
but I did manage a couple of very short stitching sessions and got this done.
I'm sure you can tell exactly what it's going to be.
On Sunday I took part in the Paws For A Cause walk for the SPCA and as I was headed for Mariner's Park I past this local keeping an eye on passers by.
And I've had to spend some time snuggling one of my boys who is very confused about what is happening to his home.
And that's been my week.
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