Craft night got postponed yesterday. Cynthia called me a little after 8 p.m. to ask if we could switch to tonight. Her husband and a friend have been on a motorcycle trip since last Sunday and they had called yesterday morning to say they were in Prince George and heading for home. They hadn't arrived home by the time she called me and she was getting worried. She called back about 45 minutes later saying they were home safe. Much relief all round.
When Lovely Woman Stoops to Folly
When lovely woman stoops to folly,
And finds too late that men betray,
What charm can soothe her melancholy,
What art can wash her guilt away?
The only art her guilt to cover,
To hide her shame from every eye,
To give repentance to her lover,
And wring his bosom -- is to die.
Oliver Goldsmith
c.1730 - 1774
Sounds like an extreme remedy for a mistake, but societal rules were much more rigid and unforgiving in the 1700's. It's important to be reminded of the changes, whether you consider them to be good or bad.
4 hours ago
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